
Product Categories

Men’s, Ladies & Children’s Apparel: Tailoring, soft tailoring, evening wear, sportswear, outerwear, technical outerwear, jeans, polo shirts, shirts, leather and exotic apparel, jersey, T-shirts, swim wear & underwear.

Knitwear – Men’s, Ladies and children’s: Fully fashioned & cut and sew.

Accessories: Handbags, belts, SLG’s, hats, scarves, gloves, hosiery and costume jewellery.

Shoes: Men’s, Ladies & Children’s.

Componentry: Leather applications, metal hardware, buttons etc.


Services currently available in following countries: UK, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Romania, Poland, Ukrainian, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco & any other European country not listed (production in any other country also available on request)


TOP – Top of Production: First off production line, to ensure product is to spec, reaches the Quality standards required, and labelling is correct BEFORE starting production run, amending where necessary.

In-Line: First finished products coming through the lines, checking for any defects, differences in quality standards or design specifications, ensuring labelling is correct, and pressing, correcting where necessary.

Final/Pre-Shipment Inspection: Inspection takes place when the merchandise is completed or at least 80% of PO is complete, swing ticketed and packed. Our inspectors check a random sample of finished goods based on internationally recognised statistical techniques. Ensuring compliant workmanship, function, size, colour, labelling and packaging.


Vendor & Sub-Contractor Evaluations: assessment of facilities, processes and equipment to the standard required to guarantee Quality Standards are achievable.

Analysis of Vendor’s & Sub Contractors Quality Systems and Processes: Specific analysis/assessment of quality processes and systems used within the vendors manufacturing processes.

Training QA/QC: Training for Vendor’s QC teams to ensure they use the correct processes and systems, correcting and implementing new where necessary – consequently improving the quality of the product and margins.

Supply Chain Analysis & CSR: assessment of vendors for risk, capacity, capabilities, workplace conditions, product quality and safety, security and environmental sustainability.

Technical Services

Product/QA Technical Assessment: working together to ensure the product is engineered in the best possible way to achieve the highest level of quality and to reduce cost and increase margins.

Risk Analysis: make, components and raw materials assessment making sure they are all compatible and do not pose any safety risk, legal risk, care risk or possible customer returns.

Fitting Assistance: Assisting and working with your teams.

Packaging Analysis: to ensure packaging is fit for purpose, ensuring the product reaches final destination in the best possible way.

Problem solving & Troubleshooting (Product & Raw Materials): your eyes and ears on the ground, monitoring your product and supporting your teams, offering solutions ad rectifying product before it leaves the vendor.